Santa IS coming…

Did someone say 09.12.2023 …? Follow us on Facebook for more information.

Join our volunteleves to help run the event this year and future years. It cannot be done without our festive community spirit.

Join the Volunteers

What is Santacon?

Santacon is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious and non-sensical Christmas parade that traditionally takes place in London one Saturday every December. There's no particular reason to dress up in Santa suits, run around, give gifts, sing songs, have strangers sit on our laps and decide who is naughty or nice. But it's a lot of fun so Santa does it anyway!

What you need

  • A Santa Outfit (not just a hat!)
  • Watch the Facebook page in order to find out when and where
  • Something Warm (and possibly waterproof)
  • Carol Sheets (download here)
  • Presents for the kids

Don't be 'THAT' Santa


1: Pick it up

Take only mince pies and sherry, leave only sleigh tracks on the roof and a lingering sense of delight.


2: Hold it in

We endeavour to make sure there's regular 'rest' stops on all routes. Just ask a helper if you need directions…


3: Keep it Festive

Eat, drink, be merry, but be sensible. Don't let your Christmas cheer become another's grief.